Congratulations – you are what is referred to as “self-aware!”
You have realized that you are not interested in something. Yay!
Would some people consider it “weird”? Sure. Keep in mind that some people also think that Kim Jong Un is the Supreme Leader of Earth, so other people aren’t always the most reliable.
It is an unfortunate facet of our society that we reward leaders and ignore the contributors. You know what though? Work wouldn’t get done without those contributors.
One of the many, many ways to group people in a work environment is the following:
An Artist – someone who creates what is needed for a project to succeed
A Manager/Leader – someone who ensures stuff gets done
An Entrepreneur – someone who will risk everything to make the project viable
I’m an Artist. I can and *do* lead people out of necessity, but my natural state of being is creativity (case in point, I’m writing this.)
My husband is a Manager. He thrives with checklists, Ensuring everything is done on-time and that machines are running smoothly.
I know and work with many entrepreneurs. They will risk their last dollar (and more) to follow their passion.
What these have in common is that none of them are attached to “ambition”, they are simply states of being. My personal ambition is tied to my life purpose, and I choose my projects in and out of work based on that.
If you aren’t passionate about managing people at this company you are in, find out what you are interested in and fill that need somewhere so this “disinterest” doesn’t become a pattern.
If you are totally happy with your current job, then be awesome at that, and let whomever becomes the manager know that you are really happy where you are and you’ll work with them however you can to make their job transition go well.
Originally Posted:
Originally Posted On: 2015-12-11