A Mentor is someone who gives you the benefit of their experience to help to advise you. They are drawing from within themselves and telling you their opinions and perspectives. You tend to go to a mentor for a specific piece of information, learn that, and move on.
A Coach is someone who holds a mirror up to you and draws what is inside of you out so you can see it clearly. They will hold you accountable to goals you set. They will harbor no judgement or opinions of their own. A coach will constantly motivate you to unleash your potential, and get to your next level – whatever that is. You can have a coach your entire life.
Heather can wear either hat depending on your most immediate need, and often jumps back and forth. The key is that you know the difference between when you are being mentored, and when you are being coached.
Interested in having Heather coach you? Check out the following options:
To schedule an initial scoping session with Heather, please email [email protected] or contact (858) 380-5898.