Here is a partial selection of the talks and workshops I’m currently giving.
If you’d like to discuss a keynote or custom workshop, or there’s something you have in mind that you don’t see listed, contact me at or 858-380-5898.
Choice is Overrated – Designing Products That Know What You Want Before You Do
“Flow not friction,” “convenience not choice,” and “efficiency not freedom” are the mantras of anticipatory design. In this talk, we’ll explore some implementations of anticipatory design, discuss…
Do You Want Fries with your Compiler? The Rise of Liberal Arts in Tech
General Assembly. The Iron Yard. Singularity University – even Khan Academy are lowering the barrier to entry for programmers to get started, so what is the value of a Computer Science degree anymo…
Hacking for Fun and Profit
Recently, a new industry has appeared – a reward-based ecosystem that can pay handsomely for people who like to break the law. The only problem? You need to follow strict rules. In this talk, fin…
Keep Yourself Alive -Stopping the effects of Burnout
The tech community puts a warped badge of honor around burnout. It’s often seen as an indicator of success and working hard, when it’s actually harming the growth of our developer communities and…
Kirk to Enterprise: How Science Fiction Influences Technology
Gene Roddenberry. Philip K. Dick. Robert Heinlein. H.G. Wells. Frank Herbert. These names are known to Engineers and Innovators the world over; their innovative writing and creativity sparks imagi…
Leadership Skills for the Non Manager
You don’t have a manager’s title to be a leader within an organization, nor do you have to be in charge to successfully lead others through a meeting or project.
Slamming Through the Glass Ceiling
You may have heard that there’s a shortage of Women in STEM, but it isn’t always for the reason you think. In this talk, we’ll examine things like cultural and implicit biases, imposter syndrome, e…
So, You Want to Be a Digital Nomad?
You’ve heard the pitch: Work from the beach, whenever you want, in your PJs, margarita in hand. Awesome, right? In this session, you’ll learn the *reality* from a 10-year veteran nomad, gain prac…
The Sensuality of Brand
How does a bottle feel when you place it to your lips? What is the smell of a freshly installed tire? What sound do you expect to hear when you bite into your favorite chip? What does the ocean tas…
Your Customers Hate You (And Other Lies)
When you release your software and products into the world, you open yourself up to the gamut of possibilities. This includes negative feedback from customers that can leave even the most experienc…