Well, if you want them to *hate* you, you can confirm their worst fears and immediately change everything the second you arrive without considering their input. That is the easiest way to lose trust 🙂
Instead, you should ask a lot of questions – you are the new guy, even though you have more traditional experience, they have more history in the company – and that is important. Find out from them why they made the decisions they did, because you will only be able to overcome objections if you know what problems have already been considered. Otherwise, you will get the: “Tried that, didn’t work” response whenever you suggest something blindly.
You are bubbling with ideas – but rather than suggesting them, you need to build trust and understanding among your new colleagues and remember that it goes two ways. If you show them respect, they will respect you.
Originally Posted: https://www.quora.com/How-can-I-as-a-programmer-make-changes-in-the-development-process-when-I-get-to-my-new-company
Originally Posted On: 2015-07-15