You are coming from a false premise that it is somehow wrong to feel multiple emotions at the same time.
The key to your question is the word “genuine.” In order to be genuine for your friends, you have to admit that there is some other emotion in there, and find out what it is. You can then work on that for yourself.
I’d bet that if you were honest with your friends about your full range of emotions that they’d even be supportive of you and help you achieve whatever it is you are lacking – because that is what friends do.
So, ask yourself these things, honestly:
Do you support your friends?
Are you there for them when they need you?
Are you proud of them for their accomplishments?
What are your goals?
What can you do to achieve them?
Will your friends support you in doing this?
Only you can determine these answers – but they should help you figure out where you lie on the happiness scale.
Originally Posted:
Originally Posted On: 2015-05-28