Well, you already hired him, so its kind of too late now to worry about it.
Here’s how I approach the applicant interview process for developers:
Determine the requirements for the position (what do you really need)
Write a corresponding, clear job description asking for these requirements.
Once you have some applicants, run them through HackerRank as a filtering system. The ones that pass your coding test you’ll be reasonably sure are competent, so you can then filter further based on other things.
Start chunking down based on personality, team fit, etc. If they’ve got a lot of experience, call references and find out what people feel about them. Make sure you talk to the people they recommended as well as see if you can find other people they worked with via LinkedIn (For example, why did they leave out their direct manager from their second to last company but gave you the janitor’s phone number as a reference? Seems legit.)
When it comes down to the actual hire though, once you’ve hired, you need to trust them to do their job. If you find out after you’ve hired them that you made a mistake, then do everything you can to support the employee and make it right. Its your fault at this point, not theirs, so if there’s a skills gap that can be overcome, get them mentored and trained up as quickly as you can and you’ll have an amazingly loyal employee. If its a team fit scenario, there may not be anything you can do, but give it a chance anyway.
But what you need to do is accept that you’ve already made this decision and move on, and learn for next time.
Originally Posted: https://www.quora.com/How-can-you-be-95-sure-that-the-developer-you-just-hired-is-a-real-expert
Originally Posted On: 2016-01-13