I’m going to explain a few things about me before I get into the things I’ve done, so I these things make a little more sense.
- I am a nerd; a true connoisseur of all things geek.
- I observe trends – all of them, not just mainstream / popular things.
- I adore music.
With all of those things combined, I have a feeling at least someone already knows where this is going, but I’ll enlighten the rest of you.
When I was growing up, the big thing you did when you had a crush on someone was make them a “mixtape.” This would be 90 minutes of perfectly chosen songs, all about the way the object of the mixtape made you feel.
As I had completely unorthodox musical tastes for the average 13 year old, the mix tapes I created were unlike anything any that my friends created. While theirs were basically rehashes of the Top 40 radio compilation, mine were completely unrelated genres arranged around a common theme. Reggae followed by Broadway followed by Mozart followed by The Beatles, and so on.
I created just such a tape for a crush of mine, because he was awesome, and I was a geek. I spent over a week getting the right mix of 120 minutes worth of songs together – it was truly epic. I remember I managed to have Dr. Demento, Schubert, Madonna, Herman’s Hermits, Andrew Lloyd Webber… It was all over the place.
I put it in a case decorated with glittery stickers, and I wrote out the names of each song in the tape case liner.
When it was ready, I was too embarrassed to give it to the guy it was for, so my friend took it and stuffed it in his backpack.
Then… Crickets.
My name wasn’t on it, but it was obviously from me.
I didn’t ask about it, he didn’t mention it.
There was a party a few weeks later and they were looking for music for it. The guy said “hey, there’s this song I like…” And pulls my tape out of his bag.
He played half of one song before someone else yanked the tape out of the player and put the radio on a dance station.
Sigh. Philistines!
I didn’t get the guy, but at least I know my effort didn’t go to waste!
Originally Posted: https://www.quora.com/How-far-have-you-gone-to-show-someone-youre-attracted-to-them-How-far-has-someone-gone-to-show-you-theyre-attracted-to-you
Originally Posted On: 2016-02-13