There is a psychological model of social interaction called “the Karmpann Drama Triangle” and it looks like this:
The idea is, once you are in the triangle, you just keep moving around and can’t get out until you forcibly break away.
In the scenario presented, someone has offered gifts to someone to be their friend. Regardless of whether or not the offer is accepted, this places the “offer-er” in the Victim state, and the “Offer-ee” in Rescuer state (as it is meant to evoke pity.)
Should the offer be accepted, bluff or not, both places with shift by one almost immediately, as the person who was intending to “save” the friendless offer-er will now find themself mistrusted and persecuted by the very person they set out to help.
This can go on forever.
The only thing I would take from someone offering a bribe to be their friend is a cry for help, and I would offer assistance rather than friendship. When they are psychologically able to handle friendship, it may come on its own (or not.)
Originally Posted:
Originally Posted On: 2015-05-21