I’m curious about what exactly you mean by “really stupid in real life”. If you mean that you are awkward in social situations, well, welcome to the club!
I was 8 when I got my first computer (which was a huge deal, as this was the 80’s).
I instantly fell in love.
There weren’t many games for it, so I wrote one. And then I played that for hours upon end.
I discovered BBS’s and the games they had when I was around 11, and played them for all hours of the night (much to the chagrin of our phone bill.)
My friends from the BBS’s and MUD’s were all ages, and lived all over the place, so I couldn’t exactly go meet them IRL. So I’d do my school stuff and extracurriculars, and then at night we’d play and chat and go on quests and they were awesome.
When I was 15 we started doing weekend quests IRL. We were all geeks, none of us really good with people but we used the time to socialize ourselves. Basically, the only rules were “respect others” and “get over yourself.” There were 40 year old guys throwing themselves out there being as awkward as we were and it was good for all of us. We had fun.
So, my suggestion is, if that is what you mean, head over to Meetup and look in your area for stuff until you find the thing that makes you the most uncomfortable. Seriously, look at the upcoming events calendar and keep going until you find something where your initial reaction is “Ugh, no, I would never do that in a million years! What kind of person likes that stuff?!”
Then sign up and find out.
By going and doing that you’ll be both expanding your intellect and bypassing your awkward filter at the same time. And odds are you will meet someone there that you will get along with, even if you truly can’t stand the event itself.
Playing video games isn’t a problem in itself – I played them and became a game designer. It’s what other choices you make in your life.
Originally Posted: https://www.quora.com/Im-24-and-I-used-to-play-video-games-very-hard-but-now-when-game-addiction-is-gone-I-realized-that-Im-really-stupid-in-real-life-What-should-I-do
Originally Posted On: 2015-12-28