Absolutely not.
When you listen to music, it activates multiple parts of your brain at once. Sometimes, certain songs can cause it to become overstimulated- and that song will stay with you, even after you have stopped listening to it.
For example, I just need to write the following lines and it will trigger songs in the heads of readers:
“Just sit right back and you “ll hear a tale, a tale of a fateful trip…”
“I want chicken, I want liver…”
“I get knocked down, but I get up again…”
These are called “earworms”, and they happen frequently, to every human.
As for having internal conversations with yourself, that’s actually been cited as a sign of intelligence (as in, bouncing ideas of if yourself as a sounding board.)
The *problem* scenario is if you are talking to other people in your head, or if the voice in your head is harmful and overly negative.
Originally Posted: https://www.quora.com/Is-it-a-mental-illness-to-have-songs-you-listen-to-play-in-your-head-or-to-have-internal-conversations-before-making-decisions
Originally Posted On: 2016-06-09