I apologize if my language offends, but I have no other way to say this:
This is such a god-awful way to address the issue that will only create more problems, not the least of which resentment and elitism in the long run.
Instead of introducing yet-another-quota-system, we should work toward:
- Creating truly blind applicant hiring processes to ensure the best *person* is placed into the job, regardless of race or gender.
- Creating stronger mentorship and sponsorship programs in our schools (at all levels) to encourage more students to take up relevant studies.
Additionally, we should study the company cultures that have achieved a good amount of diversity and utilize their best practices to incorporate into other companies, rather than forcing everyone to adopt a one-size-fits-none standard.
Anything else is just piling idiocy on top of the steaming dung pile that is gender bias.
Originally Posted: https://www.quora.com/Should-all-tech-companies-adopt-the-OpenView-diversity-standard
Originally Posted On: 2016-06-19