Well, who *I “d* like to hear is probably very different than a lot of others, since I speak at a lot of conferences that have a lot of great women speakers.
Sheryl Sandberg is certainly a cool name, and an awesome person in general, and a great speaker, but it honestly depends on what your aim is in bringing her. To draw people to the conference? Sure. However her speaker fee is probably going to be offset by the ticket sales you “d bring. Best get some REALLY good sponsors.
So again, coming from the perspective of someone who goes to A LOT of conferences, on average one every other week, and hearing a LOT of people talk, I would much prefer a conference filled with people who know what they are talking about, who I can relate to, and give good value for my time.
You can find some awesome Female Tech speakers here:
List of women keynote presenters at technical conferences
Originally Posted: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-top-women-in-technology-you-would-like-to-hear-speak-at-a-conference
Originally Posted On: 2016-09-15