Years ago, I was living in the Boston, MA area with my husband and our cat, Bastian.
(He really loved his feathers.)
Every morning for 5 years, I would walk through our house, down the stairs, through the hallway and through the kitchen, where I would pick up my keys, coat and shoes to head out to the driveway and head to work.
Every single one of those mornings, my husband would hug me when I was at the back door, and kiss me on the cheek before I “d go.
Bastian would trail behind us, watching the daily procession.
He didn “t miss a day.
Until one day, my husband decided he couldn “t live another day in Massachusetts. He was tired of the weather. He was tired of the cold. He couldn “t stand the legal code – it was just a litany of negativity that had eaten away at him for years, and he was done.
So he abruptly left, and Bastian and I were all alone in the house.
The morning after I drove my husband to the airport, I prepared for work as I always did. I showered, got dressed, and walked down the stairs. Bastian was with me, at my side.
I started walking down the hallway and as I reached the kitchen, he trotted ahead of me, which was unusual.
He then hopped up onto the counter across from the door, and sat there, staring at me.
I put on my shoes, and my coat, then grabbed my keys and bag, and reached for the door, when I heard:
I looked at him, and he had raised one paw.
I leaned over and he put his paw on my shoulder, lifted himself up a little bit and put his nose on my cheek.
He then sat back down on the counter and started looking at me again.
I looked at him.
He looked at me.
I goggled.
I pet him on the head, opened the door, and went to work.
For the next 6 weeks, this became the new routine. Every day, Bastian gave me a hug and a kiss on my way out the door. He somehow knew my husband wasn “t coming back, and he was telling me that we “d be ok anyway.
Man, I loved that cat.
Originally Posted:
Originally Posted On: 2016-09-18