Attraction is a natural thing.
During the course of your life, you will be attracted to more than one person, and not all of them will reciprocate.
You will also find that there are people attracted to you that *you* don’t have the same feelings for.
Use this as a learning exercise to find out what it is you like about this particular boy – is it his looks? His sense of humor? His intelligence?
Speaking from experience, I didn’t take the time to do this until recently. I realized after seeing a picture of my husband from years before we met that he was the spitting image of my first crush in elementary school (sadly, an unrequited love), who in turn looked like the first boy I’d chased around the schoolyard trying to steal kisses from (he was fast, and I believe there were lots of shouts of “Cooties!”)
All three guys were intelligent, funny and extremely physically similar. I realized, belatedly, that I have a “type.” I’m still not entirely sure what to make of that, if anything.
My point is, this is not the end of the world, by any stretch. Be happy that you are feeling this way about anyone, and be open to feeling it again – because you will!
Originally Posted:
Originally Posted On: 2015-05-28