Comic-Con is one of those events that I call “the great levelers.” No matter what your personal status is outside of the event, once you pass into the doors of the San Diego Convention Center, everyone (and I mean EVERYONE), is a geek.
It doesn’t matter if you are there for your love of movies, television, sci-fi, fantasy, collectibles, steampunk, card games, LARP, books, cosplay, music – you’re there because you love it SO MUCH that you’re willing to sit in line for hours to get into Ballroom 20, or Hall H. Or get those super-hard to nab VIP tickets to the main ballroom for the Masquerade Ball (the highlight of every Comic-Con, truly).
Its one of the few times when you’re sitting at a bar and you hear the familiar voices of H. Jon Benjamin AND Aisha Tylor sitting at a table nearby, being as awesome as you always imagined.
It’s a time when the guy you bump into when you aren’t paying attention where you’re walking is an exceptionally polite (and very tall) Ron Perlman.
It’s a time when Adam Savage wanders around the convention center dressed in costume, giving hugs.
And Kevin Smith checks out comic tables and memorabilia, like the rest of us fanboys and girls.
And it’s a time when you can find a random stranger in a crowd who matches your costume choice so perfectly, and poses for a picture with you:
Comic-Con is awesome.
Originally Posted:
Originally Posted On: 2015-02-04