I actually became a Flight Attendant so that I could go specifically to where I wanted to travel.
The base I was applying to only operated turns from Melbourne, Florida to Manhattan (New York City.)
Two full turns each way a day, (causing an overnight in NYC at the end of the day).
I was living in Florida. I missed home.
I really, really can’t stand bugs. Especially these guys:
That was my entire life in Florida.
Around 4-6 times a month I would get to do the overnight in NYC, which wasn’t long, but made me very happy, and it made living in Florida palatable for me.
When I stopped flying, my husband was still a pilot. It was always easier to just book a flight ourselves than use his airline benefits, as I can never risk standby travel.
Originally Posted: https://www.quora.com/When-flight-attendants-want-to-travel-somewhere-do-they-arrange-to-go-there-as-part-of-their-job-or-do-they-book-a-flight-as-a-passenger
Originally Posted On: 2015-12-16