I have a different perspective on this. My company, ROCeteer, has people who have been successful in businesses of their own that were then trained as coaches. We are subject matter experts of our own, as we’ve found that people are comfortable being coached by executives who can easily jump back and forth into the mentor role if needed.
As a Coach, I can coach anyone, on any topic. As a mentor, I am more limited in scope, but that scope tends to be very important to the people who choose me as their coach.
So in this case, its those who *can and have done*, coach.
Originally Posted: https://www.quora.com/Why-are-the-business-coaches-coaching-If-they-were-doing-so-great-with-their-business-shouldnt-they-be-focsed-on-running-it
Originally Posted On: 2015-11-30