I’m already married, so my husband would probably take issue with me answering this one in the affirmative… 😉
However, let’s say I was available:
The list of billionaires isn’t private, so rather than assuming the person is lying, let’s instead take this question from the perspective that they really *are* a billionaire.
Everyone has a different perspective on money, and the billionaires that I personally know each have very different perspectives on it themselves.
More than one of those wouldn’t be caught dead mentioning it, whereas some others work it in as often as possible.
What I would be most curious about is what about your being a billionaire do you feel is important to this question?
By answering that honestly I’d be better placed to decide if you were the type of person I’d marry.
(For the record, I much prefer the company of the stealth billionaires. If the question was asked in such as a way as to be an apology, I’d be more inclined to say yes.)
Originally Posted: https://www.quora.com/Would-you-marry-me-if-I-told-you-that-I-am-a-billionaire
Originally Posted On: 2015-12-07