This would be entirely situational, and your results would vary by context.
For example, if you are a public figure with a certain level of reknown, with a reasonable expectation that the people on board will know who you are (for example, a Bollywood star on an Air India flight or a star Quarterback from Auburn on a flight leaving out of Alabama), then introducing yourself could be seen as not just a polite but extremely nice thing for you to do.
In certain countries, it is the norm to introduce yourself to people on aircraft anyway, whether in the gate area or on board.
However, in most situations, I would suspect that people would be confused or annoyed that someone is doing this, and the reaction from a Flight Attendant might range from concerned to hostile at a person who is in the aisle greeting passengers.
Quite honestly, I fear that the American attitude if they saw someone doing this would mostly likely be that there was something “off” about a non-famous person who was introducing themselves to everyone, and perhaps they were autistic or had some other psychological issue. And this can be perceived as dangerous, unfortunately.
That said, I’ve seen “common” passengers do this to great effect on cruise ships – simply waiting past the boarding gangway and greeting new passengers as they embark, answering questions and acting as surrogate crew. It is so adorable and really lets you see in an instant how passionate that person is about cruising, which then spreads to you and the other passengers in a way that the crew can’t convey.
Originally Posted:
Originally Posted On: 2015-11-18