When looking for investors, a quick way to do research is to check out Angelist. You can search by the category of investment.
Another thing to do is to check out trend reports. VentureBeat is good for that kind of thing, as is CB Insights . Also, check out Crunchbase for Game companies and find out who has invested in them.
As Jeff Kesselman mentioned, VCs don’t generally invest in *games*, but they will invest in the overall industry. Things that create improvements to the industry (Like VR hardware or platform OS) as a whole are likely to be funded by a VC. The next version of Mortal Kombat, well, not so much.
Originally Posted: https://www.quora.com/Who-are-some-angel-investors-or-VCs-who-specialize-in-the-video-game-industry
Originally Posted On: 2016-02-29