The key to achieving value from a Tony Robbins seminar – any of them – is a willingness to “play full out.”
The high price tag is something that guarantees that the people who are there are willing to participate.
For example, if you go to something that is free, you are like “eh, I don’t care if this sucks – after all, I got in for free.”
This includes perceived value seminars – ones with high price tags but discount codes that bring the price down to nothing (or close to) just to fill up the room.
Once inside Tony Robbins seminars, everyone in the room gives rapt attention the whole time, to ensure that even the people in the cheap $1000 seats are getting their money’s worth.
When in a breakout session, people participate fully (and if you don’t believe me, head over to one of the locations of a seminar on day two or three and check out the lobby area).
Watch some of his videos and check out his stage presence and the techniques he uses by talking, then amplify that message by a room of 3000-10000 people clapping, singing, screaming etc.
He’s really very good at what he does, a master of the techniques he uses to do it, and there aren’t many people who would say they don’t get value.
Originally Posted:
Originally Posted On: 2016-04-05