I have an incredibly strong emotional reaction when remembering the events of September 11, 2001.
I am able to keep these in check most of the time, even if talking about it, but there’s a few things that can trigger these emotions every single time – and horribly.
One of them is flying into NYC and seeing the new skyline.
Another is the day itself.
Combine flying into NYC on that day and you have a burning fuse on your hand, waiting to ignite.
One year, my family (husband, mother and father) were flying on that day into New York in advance of a wedding. They tried for another date option but it didn’t work out.
So, my husband had three ideas –
- He’d upgrade us to first class (where he would continuously ply me with alcohol)
- Put me in a non-window seat
- Load our laptop with Star Wars Robot Chicken and Family Guy episodes.
The entire flight, I was laughing uproariously and loudly repeating inappropriate things.
When the captain called for a moment of silence, I didn’t hear it, and instead repeated, laughing:
“You must smell like feet, wrapped in burnt leathery bacon.”
Everyone in the cabin was staring at me, horrified.
When the flight attendant came up to us, my husband (who had not been drinking), said:
“Go for Papa Palpatine!”
That started another giggle fit in me. The FA stomped away in disgust.
The passenger across the aisle from me leaned over and said “Whatever you are watching looks like a hoot!” And nothing more was said…
But totally embarrassing.
Originally Posted: https://www.quora.com/What-was-your-most-embarrassing-airport-airplane-experience
Originally Posted On: 2016-04-07