A long time ago, someone told me that you should always seek out people smarter than you, so you could learn from them and grow together.
As a child, this was a hard lesson for me, because I went to a very small school, and I was often singled out as the smartest kid in the class, with the highest IQ, the highest test scores, the best singer – I was constantly praised.
Except – I was terrible at sports. I had awful penmanship. There was almost as long a litany of things that I was terrible at as those where I excelled.
I guarantee you that every single person that you manage will have had the same experience.
They may have certain technical expertise that you lack – but you have managerial skills that they don “t.
You “re a manager. They “re an engineer. These two things are not the same.
Recognize that you are excellent at what you do, and celebrate yourself for that. Celebrate them for what they are excellent for, and it will make you a better manager.
And, consequently, that is also how you will show them you “re not an idiot. 😉
Originally Posted: https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-manage-people-who-are-clearly-smarter-than-you-without-them-thinking-youre-an-idiot
Originally Posted On: 2016-09-19