The most effective form of communication, with anyone, is to use the vocabulary, body presence and language of the other person.
Bullying comes in many forms – but they can be grouped into physical or verbal intimidation. Usually, the bully will rely more heavily on one tactic than the other (although they may use both, it’s important to identify which one they are leaning on.)
If they rely on verbal, then you will need to use forceful language and stand your ground when dealing with them. The more firm you are, the more they will respect you. If you let them gain any ground at all, they will see you as weak.
If they rely on physical, and you are not strong yourself, you may need to recruit allies. Asking for help from people perceived as “outsiders” won’t help your cause, so you will need to find people that the bully already accepts as equals to join you against them so they will step down.
In either scenario, your best case scenario is to force a détente, and then you can start to gain minor small wins on both sides.
I can speak from experience that once you have the respect of someone like this, you will always have it.
Other than that, it is simply the same as any other negotiation – you need to understand what the other person “s motivation for negotiation in the first place is (what outcome do they want) or you won’t be able to steer your way toward success.
Originally Posted:
Originally Posted On: 2016-06-11