“Struggle” is a word that people will define in different ways, just as “luck” can be positive or negative, and is entirely based on perception.
I would venture to say that to a large percentage of the planet, there isn’t a single person in any first world country that has done anything in their life that comes close to warranting the use term “struggle”, and yet this exists.
The thing is though, they are outside observers, and they can only compare your experience to their own. That is why a man who has $.02 in his pocket can be seen as luckier than a man who has only $.01. They’re both “poor”, but one is twice as rich.
Also, if your life is fairly “easy”, any stumbling block at all may be more painful for you to deal with than someone who has it “rough.”
Who can say what is a minor or major issue for another person? Only the person going through it can truly judge if they are “struggling.” If someone says they never have, I would believe them.
All we can do is accept their assessment and help if possible.
Originally Posted: https://www.quora.com/True-or-false-Some-people-will-never-struggle-in-their-lives
Originally Posted On: 2015-04-07