A few years ago, Pantene (yes, the Shampoo company), came up with this brilliantly simple ad campaign. It portrays men and women, doing the exact same things – but being labeled with most common labels given to their traits.
I urge you to take a minute and watch it:
The tagline is “Don’t let labels hold you back.”
I can’t watch this video without crying.
Big, fat, sad, dopey, Nicholas Sparks-level tears.
Pantene has managed to “get” gender bias exactly right. These labels do exist. They *aren’t* going to go away (at least not appreciably).
The only thing you can do is ignore them.
Amazingly, by ignoring them, you’ll effect change. It’s not “pretend they don’t exist.” It’s more like: blatantly disregard them.
So, yes, hypercompetitiveness is a “worse” trait in women. Basically, every trait that has to do with business is considered derogatory in a woman.
And to that I say:
Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.
Originally Posted: https://www.quora.com/Is-hypercompetitiveness-considered-to-be-a-worse-trait-in-men-or-women
Originally Posted On: 2016-02-20